Since we have been living with managed medical care for some time, many people have become accustomed to the idea that they need to act as their own advocate when dealing with medical professionals. Thus, we have become more comfortable with questioning
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This time of the year it is common to publish lists of everything ranging from the top songs to the top movies to the best and worst dressed people. Last year we published a list of the top 10 misconceptions about patents
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How aware are you of your competitor’s patenting activities? Are they seeking patents that could impact your development of future product lines in your technology area? Are they moving into new technologies that could be game-changers? Are new players entering your space?
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In our role as patent counsel to big companies, small companies, and individual inventors, we are fortunate to see how certain patent holders are able to obtain strong, valuable patents. Based on our experience, here are five key attributes of those who
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Many companies build an IP portfolio around particular products, and the portfolio evolves over time as new refinements and improvements to the original concept are developed. This sometimes raises the question of whether various different inventions should be consolidated into a single
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We have had the pleasure of working with some inventors who have enjoyed huge success by developing cutting-edge medical devices. This is an area that many people want to break into because it can be very profitable. However, the medical device
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The law of inventorship is not too difficult to state but can be very difficult to apply in practice. In general, only those individuals who contributed to the conception of the claimed invention in a patent should be named as inventors.
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So, you hired a brilliant engineer to design a new medical device for your company. He used your computers, your staff, your vendors, your testing equipment, and developed it on “company time.” He received the salary that was agreed-upon for his efforts.
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If your business is based on patented diagnostic test methods, you may want to pay attention today’s U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. In this case, the Court unanimously reversed the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals
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The emergence of so-called “patent trolls” or their less pejorative name “non-practicing entities” (NPEs) has been a controversial topic for some time now. Those who become frequent target of NPE lawsuits are understandably hostile to NPEs or anything that increases their litigation
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